1. ボイスメモなど録音アプリを起動
2. (都市名)を入力し、鳴り響く音を自由に録音する。”私は_________の________です、パーティー・ラジオ・ジャパンを聴いていますか?” — その他、お好きな言葉をどうぞ。
Recording Procedure
1. launch a recording application such as Voice Memo
2. Say (your name) from (the city) … example — Hi this is _________ from ________, you’re listening to Party Radio Japan. Or get creative and give a shout to someone you know, give a happy birthday to a friend, or simply say something positive about Japan.
3. Go to “Share” the recorded file, select the option to attach it to an email, and attach it to an email.