You can replay the show after it has completed.
Please read our service terms and copyright statement below using this service.
リプレー | Replay
IMPORTANT NOTICE! We created a time-free replay for our weekly broadcast for one simple reason. To give listeners access to the radio content. Some listeners have complained that when they search for Party Radio Japan on Radiko, they could not find the show. Then they realize that Radiko was reported their mobile phones not being in Tokyo. Even though the listener is in Tokyo. Radiko has protective territory for radio content in specific cities. If the listener is not in that city, they must pay a fee to stream the radio content from that specific city. This is confusing to most listeners because they are in Tokyo yet they are being told by Radiko when they log in, that they are not. There is a reason for this.
Mobile phones sometimes are using a mobile carrier’s issued IP ADDRESS that is not from the listener’s own city. These IP addresses change constantly when the local mobile carrier’s mobile processing center become overwhelmed with calls and mobile phone connections. So the IP is then issued from another city’s mobile processing center, with less mobile usage. For example, you can be in Tokyo and using an IP address issued from Nara city. This happens randomly and frequently during heavy mobile usage hours. Radiko is simply reading the IP address of your mobile phone. It thinks you are in another city, when heavy mobile traffic occurs.
This is why we decided to bypass the mobile processing errors, and post a replay button for everyone to use. No matter what city you are in. “Party Radio Japan Ⓡ” program is owned by Hit Music Media Tokyo, which holds all copyright and trademark rights.
時間無料再生はMixcloudを利用しています。 すべてのパブリック・ドメインの音楽ライセンスは、彼らのウェブサイトで見つけることができます。このウェブサイトに掲載されている他の所有者に帰属するすべてのアイコン、商標、著作権は、それぞれ正当な所有者に帰属します。Time free replay is powered by Mixcloud. All public domain music licensing can be found on their website. All icons, trademarks or copyrights found on this website belonging to other owners are the properties of their rightful owners respectively. Party Radio Japan is not responsible if audio streams are removed or blocked because of international streaming restrictions. Ultimately the audio lives on the Mixcloud servers and Mixcloud has the right to remove audio streams without notice.